One run for Boston Ran Past My Parents’ House

20140412-163545.jpgI was visiting my mom today because she is having a rough time with her recovery from her knee replacement, so I thought the kids could cheer her up. As I was sitting in the rocking chair I noticed a group of runners in Route 17 and saw one with an American flag.

I mentioned it to my parents and they said that it was probably the One Run To Boston group. My parents saw it on the news this morning. I jumped out of the chair, grabbed my phone and ran outside. I yelled out to the group to ask them if they were running to Boston and if I could take a picture. They gladly stopped and posed and let me talk to them for a few minutes. They explained that they were running from New Haven to Northford, and they showed me the torch that was being carried from LA to Boston.



20140412-163552.jpgThe torch has a GPS chip in it that can be followed on the One Run For Boston website.


It was so awesome to see them and I wished I had the foresight to register to be a part of this event that ran right through my town!  I love the running community and what people do to help others.  I will be running my 26 mile training run this Friday and will be running virtually with The Boston Marathon World Run.  I wish so badly I could run the Boston Marathon.  It may not be this year, but I will someday run that race!


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