Philadelphia Training Run – 16 miles

This weekend I had a 16 mile training run on my schedule from Jeff Galloway. Being the holiday weekend I was looking forward to some down time and sleeping late.  I figured I would do this long run on Saturday so that I could still get some sleep on Sunday and there’s no reason why I couldn’t also take a nap Saturday afternoon if needed.  I am beginning to like cat naps!

I set my alarm for 6:00 just like I did two weeks ago.  I got up made breakfast and was out the door before 7:00.  I didn’t have a fixed finish time in my mind for how long this run would take but I knew that I wanted to get it done early before the sun got higher in the sky.  It was a perfect morning.  I don’t plan my runs around the weather, because when you train for a race, you have to train for any condition since there is no guarantee that race day will be the perfect day.  But I’ve been getting lucky that my weekend runs have been beautiful days.

I am really enjoying getting out early like this while the family is still sleeping and putting in my miles so I have the rest of the day to do whatever we have plans for.  I did the total distance in 3 hours 25 minutes.  I was happy with that.  My average pace was 12:49 per mile and I did intervals of 45/30.  As it got warmer in the morning I felt that it was affecting me a little bit and I also had to be smart about it and not push too fast.  I also thought of a new route where I wouldn’t have to climb 3 large hills on my way back home.  I had one large gradual hill that wasn’t so bad.  I actually ran up most of it.

How can you not enjoy such a beautiful morning?!




The next long training run isn’t until the end of the month.  Since getting up early and putting in my miles has been tolerable, I am considering doing the Red Dress Run For Women 5K in Hartford this weekend.  I better get my butt in gear and register for it!  They are giving away cute bracelets for their finisher’s medal.  How can I pass that up?!

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