Post WDW Marathon

So what happens after you run the Walt Disney World marathon, or any first marathon, or marathon for that matter? Well I have still been running, but I do think I have been experiencing a little bit of post marathon blues. I miss the long runs required for that training. I didn’t miss the pain, but I miss the focus and dedication to the training that I had. I am still running a lot to prepare for the Savin Rock Half Marathon on March 23 and the Cheshire Half Marathon on April 29. I learned after my half marathons last spring that I need to have goals ahead of me. I felt lost after I did my first two half marathons. I didn’t have any long distance races on my calendar and I met my goal and felt like I didn’t have a carrot in front of me anymore. That’s when I decided last June to register for the Disney World Full Marathon.

I have also been using this time to work on my speed. I have also been listening to the Mickey Miles Podcast to keep the Disney spark alive in me while running. I also found time to think about what I really love about running and decided if I still do love running. And the answer is yes, I do. Here are some of the reasons why I love to run:

    My kids see what I am doing and it has been a good influence on them.
    I enjoy the time alone
    I enjoy pushing myself
    I need goals
    I love getting medals!
    I like running gear
    I love being outside in the elements – all the elements
    My body is getting stronger
    I enjoy the running community and what I have learned from it and there is still so much more to learn.
    I have been told that I have been and inspiration to others. While I find that hard to believe, I have gained inspiration from many of the people I met since I started running.

So I have been thinking about my goals for 2013 and I do plan on doing several half marathons. I am registered for the Disney Double Dare for Labor Day weekend. I hope to travel to Anaheim to do that inaugural race and meet up again with the friends that I met at the WDW marathon. But I am also thinking about my future of Disney races. I would love to do the full marathon in 2014 and am SERIOUSLY considering the Goofy for 2015. That’s a really lofty goal, but I always raise the bar a little and can’t imagine NOT doing it!

One thought on “Post WDW Marathon

  1. First of all congrats on finishing the WDW Marathon! I am 46 and also have young kids (3 of them 8, 6, & 4)… recently taken up running (a little less than a year ago) and love it for lots of the same reasons you stated here. I recently finished my 1st 1/2 marathon (Tinkerbell 2013) and I have been experiencing a lot of the same things (blues etc) … it helps to have more goals on the calendar! I have some shorter races on the calendar already and and another 1/2. I also have plans to return to DL and run Tink 2014! Nice to know there are lots of other moms out there who are hitting the pavement after 40!

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