Recovery Plans

I saw my chiropractor recently.  That is one of the things that I do as a recovery item after a long run.  I don’t go the same day but within a few days of my long run.  Doing long runs does add some additional compression to the spine so it is a good idea to get adjusted.  It also makes your back stronger, ironically.  While holding yourself upright for x number of miles your core is engaged and your back muscles are engaged which in turn makes you stronger.  He told me he noticed some strength in my back.

Another recovery tool that I love after my runs is to have a glass of skim milk with Ovaltine!  That’s my treat, but it is also recommended to drink after a long run because of the carb to protein ratio.

Lately, I have been adding more anti-inflammatory foods to my diet to help speed up the process.  Foods like watermelon, red peppers, fish oil, and green tea.

Listen to episode #108 from the Mickey Miles Podcast and you’ll learn from the runDisney nutritionist Tara Gidus what foods she recommends before a run, during a run, and after a run.  This was a very helpful episode because she used plain and simple foods like Greek Yogurt, and an english muffin with peanut butter.

Here are other foods Tara recommends prior to, during, and after your runs and races.

Prior to your Race or Long Run

Carb loading – full marathon
A few days prior to your event, be sure to do some carb loading. Be aware, that you will gain weight during that time and you will feel bloated. But that is ok because your body is doing what it should and it is topping out with your glycogen stores. It is also water weight. Rice, tortillas, potatoes, multi-grains, and any source of carbs are good.

Race Day or Long Run Day

Breakfast 1.5 hours prior to the event you can have your cereal and milk, banana, bagel and PB, egg and toast or oatmeal. Then 30 minutes up to the race start it is good to eat a banana, plain bagel, sports drink or granola bar.


Post race meal within 30 minutes of your event the following food choices that are primarily carbs are best:

Within 2 hours have protein plus carbs with a more complete meal to help your muscles recover.

What is your recovery plan?

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