Short runs are now 6 miles

I went for a shorter run yesterday which turned out to be 6 miles. What used to be short for me was 2 miles. Now I average from 4.25 – 6. I had issues with my back in the morning so I made a call to my chiropractor and was happy they were open on a Saturday morning. Dr. Jen opened up the compressed area and I was ok to proceed with my run. I went out around 12:00. It was a nice day, close to 50 degrees with a light breeze. My calf muscles were tight in the beginning but as I kept going things loosened up. I need to find a way to really get my legs loose before I hit the road. After my run I did a cold bath, had my lunch and then went for a walk with the kids, my husband and my mom at my parents’ house in their fields. That was a good way to keep my legs loose. As the night went on I felt them get a little stiff. At night I did some stretching with my roller and used a heating pad on my calves.

I am happy that this morning, any discomfort I have is exercise tightness and not injury pain. I might finally be on the road to recovery with my shins. This is encouraging.

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