Stuck in a rut

I love running, I really do, but lately I have been having trouble.  My mind is willing, but my body is not as able.  I feel like my runs are missing something.  I feel like I am not performing as best as I could be.  I have been blaming it on the cold weather and tired legs still recovering from the marathon, but is that really it?  Do I have a nagging injury that requires more time to heal?

I have been keeping up with my goal to incorporate strength training into my weekly routine.  And with the Princess Half Marathon coming up in three weeks I wanted to get some more miles under my belt before the race.  This past weekend I got in an 8 mile run and enjoyed it, but my hip was really hurting afterwards.  I would like to get a least a 10+ mile run in by February 15th.

We had some snow on Monday so I am hoping to get in a run on Tuesday before another storm comes on Wednesday dumping 6-10 inches on us.  I think I will take the opportunity to take a break until Saturday and let my legs heal some more and I will work on more strength training and physical therapy exercises and sled riding!  I just miss that time alone listening to my pod casts.  I may have to turn my run time into a walk time.  How can I miss out on getting out into this beautiful scenery?!

2014-02-04 07.20.31

Have you ever been in a rut?  What do you do to get out of it?

9 thoughts on “Stuck in a rut

  1. I’m sorry you’re feeling tired, maybe you’re body is trying to tell you something? I felt like the a while ago and as I’m newly vegan ( just a year) I thought I might be missing some vitamin ir mineral. Have you tried Energy bits? They have honestly made a huge difference for me. You can get all the info off their website and let me know if you’re going to order as I have a discount code you can use. Hope you’re feeling stronger soon.

    1. Thanks Rachel! I have heard a lot of good things about energybits. I think my IT band needs some deep massage. I have an appointment for a massage on Thursday and I am hoping that it will give my legs the refreshment they need.

  2. Hi! Stopping by through SITS. I am also in a rut. I’m pretty sure I’m suffering from winter depression. It’s very frustrating because at this time in 2011 I lost 20 pounds with good eating habits and exercise. This year I can’t seem to get moving no matter what I do. Unfortunately I have no advice for you as I haven’t figure it out myself but I can tell you that you are not alone.

  3. The snow makes it difficult, I find. Last year I had a treadmill, so that helped but I sold before we moved. I’m doing a 5K in a few months and I need to start running again. It’s not easy when you’re in the middle of a blizzard 😉

  4. As frustrating as it feels, sometimes it works best for me to back off a little bit when I’m in a rut. It feels counterintuitive because I want to snap myself out of it, but replacing a run with a walk (like you mentioned!) or taking a chill yoga class rather than pounding out 8 miles on the pavement sometimes gives me the energy I need to get back up to speed. I hope the massage helped and that you’re back up & running! 🙂

  5. In the winter, my running takes a huge dip. When it’s cold and snowy, I just don’t have that urge to get out the door. But one thing I’ve been doing a ton of this winter is snowshoeing! We’ve had so much snow this year! And we’re about to have another big storm!

  6. First of all, gorgeous photo! Unfortunately I am stuck in a rut from November to March so I don’t have any advice, just commiseration

  7. Oh, I am SO in a rut right now – I’m posting about it tomorrow, actually! I do think it’s the weather and I also have decided to just take this week to try and get out of this funk, walk the dog, enjoy the sunshine in spite of the cold and then jump right back into it next week! I hope you’re able to shake it off! 🙂 #SITSBlogging

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