This week’s runs

So this week my mileage is supposed to be on the low side in preparation for my 9.5 mile run the weekend of February 11. I did a 5 mile run on Saturday, February 4, a 3 mile run on Monday and a 2.5 mile run today. I was hurting after the 3 mile run on Monday. I was concerned that I didn’t give myself enough time to recover after the 5 mile run on Saturday. I was concerned about running again today, with just one day’s rest between Monday and today. To ease my mind I set my walk/run timer to 2 minutes run, 1 minute run. That was weird cause I never set it that low before. It also freaked me out because when my run was over my per minute mile rate was 11:00/mile. But I have to keep reminding myself that I was only trying to keep up with the miles this week and going out twice between weekend runs and that I didn’t want to add more pain to my leg.

I wore my compression socks during my run, took the cold bath when I got back, then wore my compression socks after my shower for the rest of the night. The true test is to see how my legs feel tomorrow and Friday. I used arnica oil on my left leg this morning, which now feels like a bruise to the touch. I am hoping that with the massage and tonight I’ll use warm moist heat, this will break up the scar tissue I have.

There is talk of a winter storm on Saturday. I am praying that I can get out for the run before anything is supposed to start. I really was looking forward to such a long run and don’t want the snow to hinder me. Sunday’s temps will be colder along with wind so I’d rather get out before having to run in bitter wind.

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