Where have I been, Where am I Going?

I went out for my run today.  The plan was to do 10 miles in preparation for a half marathon on March 23.  It was 35 degrees and drizzly out, but that didn’t bother me at all.  I know how to dress for the weather now.  I listened to my Mickey Miles Podcasts and Michelle asked one of the guests how they had gotten to know runDisney.  This got me thinking.  When did I learn about runDisney?  I know for sure that in January, 2012 I was listening to any podcast I could find that talked about the WDW marathon.  I wanted to learn as much about it as I could.  But at that time I didn’t know I would be running it in 2013.  It was a “dream” to run it someday.   Now when I look back to last January, 2012 I can’t believe that the WDW marathon is already behind me this year.  I had done it! 

What is next?  Well as I mentioned earlier, I am registered for the Disney Dumbo Double Dare.  I hope to go to it.  As far as bigger goals, I do plan on doing goofy one day.  But I don’t think 2014 will be the year.  I do want the confidence of training for another marathon again and having another successful marathon.  When I ran my 9.5 mile run (which was supposed to be 10), I felt like I lost a lot of my training.  10 miles should be a piece of cake compared to the 26.5 I ran back in December to train for the marathon.  So why was today’s run so hard?  Well simple answer that I can think of.  Some days it’s just hard. 

As I was listening to the podcast they were talking about the upcoming Princess Half marathon that is this weekend.  It planted a seed in my head.  Maybe next year I can do marathon weekend with my family and then do the Princess Half marathon (with family??)  My kids won’t be in school that week because of February vacation and maybe my son can take off the Monday following.  Maybe my mother could join us too????  Things to think of.  However there’s also the cost of flying the whole family down there for January, plus February and then our annual trip in May.  But then again we are using Annual passes now and the parks are paid for and if we get a cheaper hotel rather then there’s an option.  Again, seed planted, we’ll see what happens. 

I do think I am hooked on runDisney races.  Like they say once you do one, you want to do more!  So there is Marathon weekend, Princess Half, Tink Half (West Coast), Wine and Dine (fall race at night), Tower of Terror (fall race at night).  I have some choices.  Now it’s about saving up the funds! 

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