A Walk With My Son

Mondays haven’t been good days for me lately.  Mainly because I was getting the Sunday blues knowing that the fun from the weekend was coming to an end.  But then last week I started taking yoga classes on Monday nights.  Now I have something to look forward to on Monday.  But it’s still a drag on Sunday when I know we all have to go back to the daily/weekly grind to get work and school done before another weekend or vacation comes along.

Since I ran yesterday I wasn’t planning on running today, but I did want to get my fresh air fix and would take a walk instead.  Unfortunately, it started raining during lunch so I had to wait.  My son got off the bus and I told him I was going to go for a walk and asked him if he wanted to come along.  He didn’t even hesitate!  He wanted to get a snack first and then we went out for a leisurely walk.

What I enjoyed most about this time was his ease of conversation with me.  We just walked and talked and he told me all about his day at school and how he enjoys taking this walk with me. It was about 55 degrees out with a slight breeze but it was very enjoyable and I want to make the time with them after school fun and enjoyable.  The days are getting longer now, the sunlight will remain bright after 6:00.  So I am looking forward to bike rides and walks or runs with the kids when I am finished with my workday.  With tomorrow being March 1 I want to have a March 1 party to kick off my unofficial start to Spring!

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