Give Kids The World Village

This past February, when I went to Florida for the Princess Glass Slipper Challenge, I went to visit the Give Kids The World Village. I went to the village to drop off donations of autograph books and photograph books and toys for the children.  I’d like to make this a regular event of mine when I head down to Florida for my races.

I saw a few families while I was there and it made me feel extremely grateful that my healthy children.  I want to give back for the blessings that I have received.  I have a lot to be thankful for and I want to give.  Giving to others gives me a good feeling.  While that may be selfish, I think it is a good selfish.

My running Team, the Mickey Milers raises money for Give Kids The World and I also use my commissions from selling Jamberry nail wraps towards donations for Give Kids The World.

If you would like to host a party to give donations towards GKTW, please feel free to contact me at  If you would like to donate please click the donate button on my blog of visit  Thank you!

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