I Need A Personal Assistant!

personal assistantSo I was at work yesterday and received a phone call from my children’s pediatrician. I was wondering why they were calling me and then it dawned on me. I missed my appointment I had scheduled for my son’s 7 year physical! CRAP! Now I am going to be charged $30 for a “free” well visit. How many times has this happened to you?

I have been very forgetful lately. I lost my favorite pair of flip flops (I just found them minutes before writing this post).  I haven’t had the time to really look for them but today I finally found them because I had 30 minutes to getting to the piles I have to stare at all during the week. There’s too much going on. With all the electronic gadgets and things we have now, how is it possible to forget an appointment? It’s because I didn’t put it into my electronic gadgets. I wrote it down – the old fashioned way. But there is no reminder set when you write it down.

The house needs to be cleaned, the fridge cleaned out, I have to get groceries, but when it is nice out we just want to go outside to play!  So I say screw it and go play!  However, that doesn’t get the chores done.  So what’s the secret to getting it all done?  I try to fold laundry at night when everyone is in bed and I can watch some of my favorite shows while doing that.  Then I need that 10 minutes to get it all put away rather than look at them in the baskets all week.

And all the things that need to get done have to get done after a 40+ hour work week, in-between working out, and having time with the family. My kids are old enough to start helping out.  Do you have a chore list that you give them?  What do you do to get them to help out more?  Sometimes in a pinch I set a timer for 5 minute and hit the main spots of each room to clean them up, throw away junk and make it look presentable.  It helps.  I’d love to hear your suggestions!

How do you do it all?  Do you have an app that you use to help you juggle everything?

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