I’m Glad To Hear It’s Not Just Me

My fellow runDisney and blogger friend, Patty wrote a great blog post today. She was feeling like she was in a funk lately as well. I had the chance to hang out with Patty a little bit at the Social Media Moms Celebration and we ran the fun run on Sunday morning.  She has a great personality and you’d be surprised with a smile like hers that she could be in a funk; but it happens to the best of us!

She did what I found to be helpful lately and that was to lace up the old running shoes and just get out there and do it. This past week I got in a longer run to prepare for the Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon in Chicago and I intend to get in another longer run next week as well.  Once I started to put miles under my belt I started to gain some confidence in myself again that I could do this.  I began to enjoy it again and I loved being outside.

Patty also did what I needed to do to make sure she sticks to her plan – she posted to social media that she intended to run the next morning. Now that the word is out on social media you can’t back out right?!  I did the same thing a few weeks ago and was glad my friend Dale reached out to make sure I got my butt out of bed!  It did work though. I don’t do it every time I am going to head out for a run now but I am making sure that I am sharing my successes and my failures so that if I should start to lose my mojo again, I can look back at what I did to help get through it; or even better, maybe what I am sharing will help my other running pals work through their funky times as well!  (You know who you are!)

So rest assured, it happens, it passes, the best part of it all is to acknowledge that you are experiencing it and DO SOMETHING about it!  Get out there!  Even if you just start off walking, just get moving.

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