What Stops Us From Living Our Dream?

dreams1I have been listening to two new podcasts recently, The Dreamers Podcast by Joe Pardo and The Dream Warriors pod cast by Doc Kennedy. I came across the Dreamers Podcast from my friend Eddie McCoy.  I love to listen to stories of how people are living their dream and it has really got me thinking about living my dream.  Am I living my dream?  I think I am.  Sure things don’t ALWAYS turn out the way we want or go as we “PLAN” them to, but that is life.  Challenges come our way which change us and many times we have to endure hard things in order to really see the good in life.

I mentioned a few weeks ago that something is stirring, there is a lot of change going on at work.  I sense a change is happening in my life, not sure if it is going to be with me or with my husband.  But I have that feeling. Fear tends to get in the way of us making a change in life and doing something different.  I know that fear and doubt are major factors to why I don’t like to make change.  I am also comfortable.  So why rock the boat when things feel fine?  What if I fail?  What if I lose money trying it?  What if you don’t?  What if you succeed?  How will you know until you try.

How do you live your dreams?  I am learning a few things about this.  There are goals I have in life and things that I would like to achieve.  Some of them require some learning, growing and time.  Identify stumbling blocks that can be used for stepping stones.  This has been something that I am using as a resource.  Past adversity and create opportunities.  I am going to chew on that for a while.   I think the key to that is the timing.  We don’t know how long the past adversity will open the door for a new opportunity, it could be a year long process, it could be big picture and a few years.

So the basics about dreaming and living or pursuing a dream:

    • Write down your dream.  When you put it on paper it becomes concrete – something to act on.
    • Believe it.  Be positive about it.  Visualize your life as you are living this dream.
    • Do it.  Don’t talk, just do.  You’ll never know until you try.

Another important thing to me lately has been to live in the present.  We aren’t promised tomorrow.  I’m not waiting to enjoy life, I am enjoying each day.

What is your dream?  Are you living your dream?  Have you had challenges along the way to get there?  How did you overcome them?



6 thoughts on “What Stops Us From Living Our Dream?

  1. I quit my job a few months ago because I was going to be denied 30 days of leave without pay to conduct dissertation research. Sorry, dissertation dream far more important than working a job that has absolutely nothing to do with said dissertation (I was working in IT at a university because I have too much computer knowledge while my PhD is in conflict resolution.) I got up early this morning to work on said dissertation. Without an early wake up and a two year old I cannot get much done.

    Like you said. It’s about DOING. Not thinking about doing but getting up and doing it to get what you want. You reach your dreams through working for them.

  2. Sometimes I think the hardest part is defining our dreams. I have to admit I am sometimes jealous of those who have a dream or goal that they are passionate about, sometimes I wish I had something that I felt that strongly about!

    Either way, I whole heartedly agree…if you have a dream go out there and make it a reality!

    1. Danielle, you are totally working towards a dream! You quit your job to go back to school! That is a HUGE life change you made. I wish I was so brave to do something like that!

      1. Haha, I know, but I rethink it everyday which makes me feel like maybe I’m not quite passionate about it to actually see the goal through… Oh well, only time will tell I guess!

        1. I think that could be the fear part. In my next blog post I will be talking about the stumbling blocks. You have a lot ahead of you still so I am sure that feels very overwhelming. I believe it is your dream because you took a big risk by leaving a job to go for it. That big step was huge!!! Don’t let doubt get in your way.

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